Did your partner stay in the hospital with you?

Just as the title suggests, did your partner stay with you in the hospital after you had your baby? My husband went home the night after our baby was born and I can’t seem to get over it. I had a pretty traumatic birth and think was in shock for the first week or so after so didn’t make a big deal at the time but felt totally alone and abandoned that night. We’ve since spoke about it and his justification is that he didn’t have a ‘comfy’ chair that the rest of the dads on the ward hard. I feel like my needs should’ve come first that night and had to call the nurse to watch my baby any time I needed the toilet or brush my teeth etc. I also got zero sleep that night too. Am I being too self centred here or should he have stayed with me?
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I didn’t realise they were allowed to stay? I thought they had to leave. If my husband’s allowed to I do NOT care what kind of chair he’d have he’s staying

My partner stayed with me for the 3 nights I was in the chair wasn’t comfy at all and just went home for a shower and fresh clothes and then straight back x

My partner for advised to go home as he wouldn’t be any use if he was tired but then the other 2 women in the ward had their partners stay and I cried because I was left on my own after a traumatic birth and major blood loss. And then I fell out with him because he didn’t come in first thing in the morning and to me that meant he wasn’t excited to see his child 😅 she’s 4 weeks now and I’m not as mad but it did suck x

My husband was only in with me overnight when I was in active labour. I was induced on the Wednesday night, quite late on - he went home just before it, came back first thing the Thursday morning and then stayed right through til after our wee boy was born on the Friday. He went home the Friday night, came back early Saturday morning, went home Saturday night and came back early Sunday morning then came home. Absolutely did feel overwhelmed and I was in a place where I cried it I thought too much about the actual birth at that point, but I’d also said to him it made sense for him to go home so that at least one of us had a decent sleep for when we were all at home x

I don’t think they’re allowed to? I had my own room and even at that my partner wasn’t allowed to stay past 10pm. He was there every minute that he was allowed to (I was in for a week after my son was born). Personally, I don’t know how I would feel if I was in a dormitory and peoples partners were staying over. You lose your dignity enough at the hospital without having even more strangers sharing a room with you … but that might just be me lol. Honestly, don’t worry too much about it. Those chairs are a killer and my partner ended up with a herniated disk from sitting on it for multiple hours. I know it’s hard but you will be home soon and I’m sure he will help out loads then xxx

With my first he wasn’t allowed to stay at all after the birth because of Covid restrictions. With my second he stayed for 8 hours or so after the birth then went home to rest and shower then he had to look after our eldest so I was on my own for 2 days

I had my baby at 00:35, my partner stayed with me until I was moved to ward at 3am but he wasn’t allowed to stay in ward, he came back at 9am that morning.

@Kayla only three hours 😭😭

This is so tricky because although I understand his point of view, you were vulnerable and tired and maybe he should have talked to you about it at the time rather than just leaving. My husband stayed with me but he got so little sleep and I felt awful. He ended up sleeping in my bed with me for a little bit, and then I got restless and we swapped so he could nap and I sat up with baby. For my first baby, I would have been upset if he left, but for the next one, I might push that he goes home to rest because I’d rather one of us be working on more sleep and be able to swap shifts. I’d also know what to do if baby cries etc. I don’t think you’re being self-centred, but I do think a conversation was needed at the time.

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