You should speak and have a talk with him.
Men can be very clueless to these things. You need to calmly sit him down and say with as much detail as possible that You feel xyz when he does xyz because xyz. You are assuming he understands the level of importance that you in your mind have placed on this while he probably didn't give it a second thought. Then moving forward you should share with him anytime you want to have a special moment like this so next time he will know that said item is to be used for that special moment only. My husband thinks photos are silly but it's really important to me to have those memories so I have to tell him when I'm wanting to get something specific so that he knows.
Wooow.. he sounds like an erm (words not allowed on here) Babes speak to them and explain how much this has affected you and how you feel. If not a swift right uppercut works the same way (Guys I’m joking about the violence! .. sorta)
Have you spoken to him about how these things make you feel ? When I say this I mean in a calm manner have you sat him down and explained how it makes you feel without blaming..?