@Chelsie oh gosh ok, makes it hard as I won't get paid from my new job until the end of the month 😬
I’m due back 14th and I’m getting about £250 Matt pay, it’s just for that portion of month, then say you go back normal wages take over, so it prob acc be your worse of month depending on your company cut off
@Jasmine or is it done based on the month before? So April payment will be based on march if you know what I mean?
It’s not in Lou, Mine is done month of, so for Feb you prob got little less coz it’s only 28 days if your getting just SMP, so my April pay check will be split with half Matt leave and half hours
@Jasmine oh really? My feb payment was the same. When working, we would work the month, then get paid at the beginning of the next month x
Oh that’s different 😂 but then I wouldn’t put it past my work taking some for themself ahaha but it should still be half and half, are you able to ask payrole what your wages will be if you know your return date
@Jasmine I'm going somewhere new in April, I've asked them and they seem to think it will be marchs pay if that's how it's normally done! X
Oh if your starting a new job, you shouldn’t receive any mat pay from your old company, so I decided to take a new job, my last day from my old company was Friday, and I start a new job on Monday, so this months pay will only be wages from new job. You can’t be paid mat leave from one company if you start new with another x
Unless your at end of paid mat leave then yeah your old work will pay you up till your official regulation date or end of employment with mat leave then new company will pay you just wages, I went back earlier so I had to tell my old company to stop the mat leave
But make sure the old company pay you any holiday you’ve accrued too, if your uk based
@Jasmine yeah, the end of my 9 months will be 15th April then I start my new job on the 16th. I think it should be fine!
Yeah so aprils pay will be split from both then, and marches pay will be normal SMP, I mean to make it easier for tax reasons your old job ( if you’ve told them your leaving) might pay you April owed may pay in marches pay, so then April’s pay is just new job money so you don’t get emergency taxed or “two job” tax
You’d just get paid for the weeks up until the 16th