People for whom this is your last baby...

Are you finding it harder this time as they grow up? I find I'm enjoying it more this time but also finding it much harder when he grows out of stuff is getting bigger etc. Last time I could pack stuff away thinking I might need it again but this time I know I won't... I've been sleeping in the nursery with him since he was born like I did with his sister and I realised in just over a month he'll be 6 months so I should move back to my room with hubby... But then I realised I'll never sleep in the nursery with my baby again for 6 months as this is the last time 😭
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Yes. It's bitter sweet for sure

Yep, last baby here as well. Part of me can't wait for the next phase, but also realising im going to be back to work in a few months and I'm going to miss never doing this again, even though it's utterly exhausting.

It’s my last baby but I’m not that sad, I’m more happy at the fact that I get to declutter all the baby things and not keep them. I’m also really excited to watch my babies grow up together and looking forward to all the things we can do as a family of 4 when they are a little older and not have to cart a newborn around with us and get my boob out in random places to feed her 😂 The most important thing is that I’m happy I’ll never be pregnant again as it was just not for me and I hated it. I understand why people are sad but try and focus on the positives and all the exciting things to come 🤩

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