inactive grandparents

hey ladiessss, how are we reacting to inactive grandmothers who are raising voices and verbally making our children uncomfortable and not respecting our childrens boundaries. , how are we confronting it. i do gentle with consequences.
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I cut my shotty inactive parents off tbh. If they arejt helping or contributing to my childs life or mine they arent a part of our family. I used to tie myself up in knots trying to figure out how to have a relationship with them and theor dysfunction etc and then kept coming back to.. od tell my child this was not ok to be treated like this, why am i allowing it... etc. And after a few pretty crappy events i just just decided enough was enough. Now our life is peacful and without drama. Its amazing

My hubby & I completely cut off my in-laws. We’re at peace, our little one is at peace & we never have to stress about her possibly getting mistreated by anyone bc we only have & allow positive & good ppl in our lives. Anything less than that we do not tolerate. Plus, parties & special occasions are cheaper🤷🏻‍♀️so their behavior not only makes it easy to stay away from them but it saves us money bc they don’t get invited to anything we organize & they have absolutely no access to any of us.

I used to care about it now I give zero feelings of emotions towards it .. I treat them all the way they treat my kid . Don't expect me my husband or her to come to your phoney invites just looking for warm bodies and gifts. Nope not from me or mines! I say good riddance 👋🏾the trash took itself out. ..but I should've known at my wedding these in laws were trashy because someone stole from me at my wedding 😡

I’ve been more at peace without the in laws.. A huge fallout 2 years ago caused myself and hubby to go no contact with a portion of his side of the family. I rather be at peace with little help than to have more hands to help and deal with disrespect 🤷🏽‍♀️

Going no contact until they start showing respect

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