Bad behaviours
Anyone have any tips as for how to deal with a 3 year old we are struggling with behaviours that look like screaming at the top of her lungs, having full blown meltdowns when she don't get what she wants, this always seems to be around mid afternoon these behaviours begin. She goes to the extreme of telling everyone she hates them. Naps are no longer a thing as we're trying bc to gain routine for school in September (her hip moms request). I feel she has a lot happening n in her life right now and she is lashing out. And nobody knows how to deal with it
Hip mom? Sounds like 3. She needs help regulating her emotions. All those feelings are so huge, but very real for her. I made a post about my 5 year telling me she hates me over the smallest things (to me), but it's real to her. Try "name it to tame it" to help validate her feelings but also let her understand what they are. You can say "it seems like you a very angry because you couldn't get (whatever the thing is), is that right?"