Over stepping family🤦🏻‍♀️help

I need advice with how to deal with this particular situation. Ever since I found out I was pregnant these family members on my sons dads side ALWAYS have an opinion on how I should do thing and what I should do or I’m not doing something right…I have ignore it and not let it bother me till recently, my baby is now 10 months old and oh my god are they getting worse, my baby isnt fully weaned onto food he gets food but it’s all blended or mashed, these family members are looking down at me it feels and having negative opinions that he should in fact be eating solid food and his food shouldn’t be blended or mashed for him still. Are they right in this situation and how do I cope with the unwanted “advise”
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honestly tell them straight I’m his/her mum i’ll decide what’s best for my child. You need to put those boundaries up you should’ve from when you was pregnant but you need these boundaries otherwise people will always give you unwanted and unsolicited advice. You know your child better than anyone or tell them straight shut up you don’t want to hear it x

IMO they're not wrong about the food thing, as 10 month old babies don't need their food blended or mashed. Are they really looking down on you or just trying to make suggestions?

Yes they don’t need to have it mashed but there’s no issue with it being mashed still. It’s your baby and whenever you feel ready to give him solids is your choice. But just tell them how it is. I’d them for the “advice” but do it my way.

They aren’t right at all because how you choose to feed your child is YOUR decision. Respectfully tell them off 💯 all decisions you make is solely yours to make dont worry about theirs or anyone’s opinion on it . Stand firm in your actions

I feel like you should start giving solid food. If you give purées for too long sometimes toddlers will not eat real food and only want purées and it’ll be harder to fix that later down the line. You can still do purées but instead of blending it make it more chunky and also add solid foods so they can start practicing using their hands and utensils. Sorry but I do agree with the family members. But probably everything else I would say do what you feel is right.

Babies should be weaned onto solids at around the 9-10m mark even when following traditional weaning (those who start off with purees and mashed foods) so in that regard they aren't wrong - however I can understand the feeling of people giving unwarranted advice especially if you aren't ready or feel he's not ready to move onto finger foods yet. You're the mother, as long as your making an informed decision, take it with a pinch of salt. Family members have a tendency to give their opinions without being asked because they think they're helping.

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