I’ll be having a c section in a few weeks unless my body goes into labor on it’s own
I would say you have dropped. One way to tell is if the part by your ribs on top is squishy
Yes the top part of my stomach and the sides of both my ribs is squishy not hard at all
I’m having a c section too good luck
That means your baby has dropped. It could be a few weeks or more before it’s ready to come out naturally
This is my 8th baby and the last two kids I had I dropped a few days before labor luckily I got weekly appts now
I’m high risk so I go weekly
I’m sorry did u say this is ur 8th baby?!?🤯🤯 U look damn good for having 8 babies mama what’s ur secret
Yes it is and I have no secrets lol but thanks 😊
definitelyyyy girl!
Looks like you have I have been having back pains and cramps when I walk too I will be 35 weeks tomorrow