I wouldn’t be concerned because once baby starts kicking and jabbing it never stops… I’m 39 weeks and 5 days and she’s still moving and grooving in there
Do not stress. I started feeling bubs at around 18 weeks but it's my second so everything starts that bit earlier. With my first I don't think I got movement until around 23-24 weeks. You will feel it soon enough ☺️
I had movements from about 18w. It isn’t my first child, but I have had an anterior placenta for all of them and felt movements quite early on for all of them. Sometimes it’s hard to know what to expect and it can also be missed if you’re busy doing things throughout the day. I remember my first movements feeling like questionable tingling or tickles. It’s important to remember that not all pregnancies are the same and some women don’t feel movement until later on.
I’m 21 weeks tomorrow and i felt him move when i was around 19 weeks but was only internal. Now it’s more intense kicks and more frequent too especially when im laying on my back. They say usually you’ll feel between 16-25 weeks i wouldn’t be too worried. Hopefully you’ll feel her kick and move soon. Good luck with the scan ☺️