You can express by hand, or use a pump
Have you stopped cold turkey? I would recommend gradually stopping feeds one by one as going cold turkey will be painful! If you do go cold turkey then just hand express, don’t use a pump as pumping will stimulate your boobs to make more milk still and that’s not what you want! Xxxx
Cold cabbage leaves x
I'm taking a temporary break from breastfeeding and using a pump until my nipples heal (pump doesn't hurt as much as breastfeeding) and so far it's been working for me. Just give your nipples a break x
I also called the National breastfeeding helpline because at 4 weeks mine were still so engorged and sore to touch and leaking like crazy. If I didn’t feed after 2-3 hours I had to wake baby :( The helpline said to stop using the Haaka pump to pump or even collect leakage as this affects supply and demand. Since stilling my boobs are normal and much much less painful, I’d take caution with pumping or allowing leakage, only enough to relive discomfort. I’d speak to a helpline, they’re great x Good luck, it’s awful :(
@Arianna I second this!!
Cold flannels, cold cabbage leafs and when showering try and not stand facing the water 😊
Cold compress, like a cold flannel, and massage the areas. I know they're probably going to be very sore and rock hard but I was in the same situation as you and I ended up calling the NCT breastfeeding helpline as mine also wouldn't stop leaking. Paracetamol and ibuprofen also helped a little, and it should pass in a few days.