Struggling 😞 feel like a break down

My son has been unwell for over a week. Sleep has been so disrupted. But oh my god tonight he’s woken up crying screaming like something possessed. Doesn’t want held/rocked. Won’t lie down in cot. Won’t settle in bed with us. We are currently in our bed with the tv on after being awake since 2am as it’s the only thing that stops his blood curdling scream. I have barely any sleep for over a week. I feel close to a breakdown
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I hear you. My 3 and I have been super ill for a week now. No sleep no one is eating we are all so weak it’s been so hard I’m exhausted and sick. I all I have is hope for the other side when we all feel better and can get back to normal

It’s really tough, we’ve been through it too. just keep your son dosed up on ibuprofen and calpol and give in to anything else that makes life easier for all of you x

@Abby yes and plenty fluids!

But if you are worried always call 111 no matter how minor you may feel the illness is, and if in doubt take him hospital rather be sent home having double checked

I am currently in your boat! Hard hard work. Get him checked over just in case. My boy needed antibiotics in the end

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