Four month old up till 1 am goes to bed at 8pm and up at 10:30pm then goes down 1am to 9-30 am so she eat and plays 10:30pm-1am so much energy then. Than during the day
Is she showing signs of having a bedtime? Mine is 8:30 pm and sleeps till 6:30… been doing this since 9 weeks old, no waking.
8-10 depending on how tired she is lol then she’ll wake up anywhere from 6-9
Honestly just try to go with her schedule for now but usually try to have her down by 11:00/11:30
8 pm
7pm goes down till 10:30 when I go to bed. He then has a bottle and will sleep through till 6/7am
Honestly I follow his schedule . Usually his last bottle is 8-10 in that time frame then he’s changed into clean diaper, swaddle and in his bassinet asleep till 6am-7am and he wants a bottle
7:30-8pm & he sleeps until 6:30-7am
Around 8:30 or 9 pm but she is usually in bed with me while I watch TV... I go to sleep anytime between 9 pm - 10:30 pm. If she wakes up before I go to sleep, then I'll feed her and then get back to sleep.
We nurse to sleep at 6:30 and she’s asleep by 7 pm. Currently trying to push for 7:30 but it’s going to be a while til we get there 😅
How did you guys managed to get baby to sleep through the night. We try to put him to sleep around 8pm and he usually wakes up around 10pm-12-am for first feed of the night. And 2 more times after before waking up around 6-7am.
I am bewildered by yalls baby's that sleep for so long at night! I'm lucky the get a 3 hr stretch
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@Vivian All babies are different so I don’t really think there’s a set/proven method! But if anything, I think making sure they’re very well fed during the day can help, so trying to get all their feeds done within 12hrs (based on bottle feeding though). And maybe do the last feed a bit later? Also, sleep begets sleep! So good quality day time naps should also help with nighttime sleep
Around 9pm but sometimes as late as 10/11. It depended on when he took his last nap. He’s 4mo now
We do bath time at 6:45, bed time routine, and the he’s usually asleep by 7:45
We start our bedtime routine at 9 and she usually falls asleep at 10. My husband comes home at 11 so it works out for us when we get sleep