I suffered with really bad baby blues in the first few weeks too. 5pm would hit and I would be in floods of tears, anxious about the night and sometimes just tears with no rhyme or reason. I worried for my mental health as I’d never had any issues previously and was concerned it would develop into PND. However, I came out the other end of it. If you notice a pattern with your emotions, like mine hitting at 5pm, try and get out of the house at that time for a walk to distract yourself. After a few days of doing this, I managed to kick the emotions to the curb. My baby is nearly 7 months now. Regarding the sleeping, I was adamant to get my baby into his next to me but he had other ideas. Co-sleeping saved us and meant I actually slept. Research the safe sleep 7 and sleep in a c-curl with your baby with no loose duvets and blankets around you and baby will be safe. You will be able to breastfeed baby laying down and sleep whilst they feed. DM me if you want, I know how you’re feeling ❤️
@Robyn thank you, what age did you start co sleeping? Her latch has been tricky but has got a lot better. It’s my nipples! They just sting and burn and are so so so sensitive afterwards 😬
@Emma thank you i will serously think about going for an evening walk and see it if helps. What age was baby when you started co sleeping? X
Aw lovely, I read this and couldn't not comment as I could have written this myself a few months ago after my second was born. He cluster fed from like 5 or 6pm until like 2 or 3am for a good few weeks and I was in agony and so so tired. First thing to keep in mind- it doesn't feel like it will EVER get better, but it will, and although it happens gradually so it might not feel like things are moving fast, they will all be moving in the right direction and before you know it, things are manageable again and you can see the light. My top tips that worked for me- me (or preferably my husband) used to take baby for a walk at about 7 or 8pm for at least an hour to give my poor nipples a break, and get some air (or chill out if I was the one at home) and it seemed to break the cluster feeding cycle a little bit too. Next thing, and I never thought I'd be the person advocating it, but research safe co-sleeping. I swore I'd never do it, but it saved my sanity. Cont.
I asked my health visitor to show me how to feed lying down and help with the latch etc. and suddenly I could dose while Mister was cluster feeding, plus he actually was far more likely to doze off on the boob and I just rolled him to his back and moved a little bit away from him (husband was sleeping in spare room at this point) and could get some sleep between feeds. I was worried about it making a rod for my own back and him never wanting to sleep by himself again but by 4 months I could transition him back to sleeping in the SnuzPod with no problems. Lastly, and again I never thought I'd be singing their praises but weight up the pros and cons of a dummy. It saved my sanity too, particularly during the day and those long evenings. One more thing is to perhaps consider speaking to a lactation consultant, I spoke to Carla at Latch World and it made everything a lot easier. She helped with the cluster feeding hugely. Go easy on yourself, you are doing an amazing job, but it is so effing hard. Hugs xxx
I vowed I wouldn’t co-sleep until he literally wouldn’t settle in his next to me crib. We started Co-sleeping at a few days old! It saved us xx
I’ve been bedsharing chest to chest and want to try the cuddle curl, but my boy might have reflux, so he struggles on his back. Chest to chest is the only way we’ve slept! Been doing it since the beginning, pretty much. My nipples were agony at first, but they’re adjusting at six weeks. Silver cups and nipple gel helped, plus I had to pump my cracked left side for a few days to heal! 😅 Sending lots of love to you, it’s so tough when baby won’t settle and you’re trying your best to soothe and comfort when definitely not feeling calm and soothed yourself! 🫶
Hi! This was me. For so long. I wish I could go back and tell myself to cosleep (safely) enjoy the contact naps, and my manta was “this is a season” around three months things will get easier. I know it sounds like forever but you’ll feel happier. You can always message me if you need someone to talk to who has been through it. My husband used to wake up to me sobbing at night. I watched a lot of love island episodes during that time to help me stay up. I was so sleep deprived. Focus on eating nutritious food when you can. If people ask to help, let them. My daughter is two and if I took this advice I would’ve come out of the trenches way sooner.
The lack of sleep makes it all extra hard. Co sleeping is the only thing that saved me with breastfeeding my two. Youngest is 6 months so still fully feeding in the night etc. Does your little one have a good latch? Maybe get it checked, they shouldn’t be in agony x You’ve got this ❤️x