Have you tried going through insurance? I had a doula pretty early on and everything was going good until I needed an emergency csection lol so I didn't end up "using" the doula for the birthing part. I was bummed but still enjoyed the benefits they offered afterwards.
I had a doula and my insurance paid for her. I’d check yours n c. Mine is from sonora so a bit far from sf
@Jessica I’m in LA and this is actually the first time in my life that I hear of doula services being covered through insurance 😱. Thank you for sharing!!
I am a postpartum doula & local to you - happy to support or chat! www.peacefulpostpartumbyfionawelker.com I also had my own doula for the first 2 weeks when I got home from the hospital. 10/10 recommend. My cousin is a doula as well & helped me through it all.