Sounds like she could use more day time sleep (not saying a fourth nap, but extending the ones she’s having). As I think babies should be getting 3-3.5 hours around then. When is bed time? How long are your wake windows? Are your windows getting gradually larger as the day goes on? The first one should be the shortest and the last should be the longest. To help build sleep pressure. I think we did something like 2/2/2.25/2.5 when we first dropped to 3 naps just after 5m.
@Alana ooo ok! I really struggle to save ALOT of them tbh, that’s the issue :( Bedtime is around 7pm with a 3hr WW prior. All WW’s get longer in length as day goes on too! So averagely nap is around 08:20, then 12ish then 15:00ish. All around those times. :(