Milk before bed

Are you still giving milk before bed?
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We are, but it’s hit and miss whether she drinks much of it now.

Same as above

We Still do, but my daughter absolutely loves her bottle xx

Yeah, she drinks it roughly 8 out of 10 times

We stopped at about 14 mo because my boys were having awful trapped wind in the night and it has gotten so much better since giving up the milk. I thought they'd really miss it but they've been fine

Yeah I do but just a small amount as a token amount just so I keep routine

Yeah. My little boy loves his bedtime bottle. He has 7 or 8oz.

We aim at having a carb-full supper about an hour before bed (e.g. pasta with meatballs). LO then sleeps through most of the night. If we give him a bottle instead he wakes up every four hours.

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