Breastfed or formula?

What did you choose? Why and did you the the same for all kids? I just had my second and currently need to combi feed due to a severe tongue tie. But I also find BF restricts my time with my toddler which makes me upset. Wondering if anyone didn’t (fully) BF for this reason?
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Fully formula since day 1 with both kids. For me it was a mental health thing. I knew that i was already overwhelmed, i didnt want to be locked in place while they eat, etc. If i had added the stress of trying to bf, i truly feel like my kids wouldnt have their mom rn.

I’m due my 2nd baby in 8 weeks, planning to breast feed but also formula feed after the first 6 weeks (so move to combi) as I don’t want to have to pump this time and want others to be able to help! (My parent, parents, MIL where needed) and I also don’t want my toddler upset too! Pumping felt like a full time job for me with my first so trying to avoid it, however I may use my hand less pump if I can find the parts every now and then if I feel I need too x

Exclusively pumped from day 10 till 3 months then combi fed then fully formula fed from 5 months x

Breastfed my 3 for as long as they wanted and I don't know, it had never even been a question I had asked myself, I was always going to breastfeed. We had a very rough start with my first and needed support but we overcame our issues. I did lots of research after that and it went smoothly for the other two.

Breastfed my first until she was 3, during which time I had my 2nd so tandem fed both. 2nd is 16 months now and still going. It didn’t restrict time with my toddler - I think most people find the toddler will demand much more of your time and attention than the new baby so it’s quite nice to have some time just for you and baby. I will be doing the same with number 3 😅

Chose breastfeeding/pumping until i realized they were lactose intolerant, then i just went to formula and finding out which one would work, they both ended up on the most sensitive formula there was!

Tried BF with both, it didn’t work, so switched to formula. With my first made it 2 weeks BF, then 6 more weeks combo, then all formula at 8 weeks on. With my second made it 1 week BF, combo for 1 week then fully formula going forward. With my first I got covid right after giving birth. With my second I had the flu and mastitis week 1 postpartum. I think these things impacted my supply

fully formula fed with my first, planning to do the same with my second when he’s here in april, just choice and preference. i hate feeling restricted and i personally felt like 9 months was long enough to give up my body and id go crazy having to continue that after birth, it just didn’t appeal to me in the slightest. i’ve always agreed with fed is best, and tho formula might not be as good as breastmilk, they sure try and make it close so that was my personal preference xx

Formula, tried breastfeeding for a week, it didn’t work.

Excussively pumped and gave breastmilk to my first baby till 7 months old then combo fed till 9 months and a half. Second baby I am planning and I will do my best and everything possible to breastfeed till 1 year old. I feel so guilty not managing to reach till 1 year old with my first baby. She has a cows milk protein allergy and formula was so bad for her, impacted her growth and she dropped centiles quickly and was in pain constantly

Breastfed my first and will be my second. I just saw it as part of the deal, same as all the rest of the stuff, giving birth, cleaning up poop, sleepless nights, making food they then throw on the floor 🤦‍♀️. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it, and it’s tough, I do it because I know it’s healthier for her and me. Will be glad when I’ve finished though 😂 With my second I will be pumping and giving a bottle once a day though, just so I have more freedom and weaning is easier, really wish I’d done it with my first.

I wanted to try BF but our baby ended up in the NICU for 2 weeks and her feeds needed to be measured so I was pumping for that time. Tied BF her after leaving hospital but she hated it & so we carried on bottle feeding pumped milk but the pumping was starting to grate on me & made me so unhappy & drained & I couldn’t carry on. I was also struggling with my supply… then baby got CMPA so we get prescribed formula and she’s been on that since 4 weeks old & she’s now 3 months & happy as ever ☺️

We started with bf (1 month) but I didn't have enough milk so we did combi until ge started solids

I didn’t breastfeed any of my children. With my first son I just didn’t want to, with my second son he was sick when born and had to be in the nicu plus I wasn’t producing enough milk to feed him anyway

Both my girls have been EBF. I’ve been tandem feeding but only a few times a week with my now 3 year old. I didn’t expect to feed this long but it’s still a massive source of comfort for her and I think it helped her accept her baby sister. I think BFing the second baby has been easier than faffing about with bottles, but maybe that’s just me! Neither journey has been without its challenges…they’ve both had tongue ties and reflux, but once you get through the first 6-8 weeks I find it pretty smooth sailing and it becomes more enjoyable.

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I exclusively pumped for the first 12 weeks, because he wouldn't latch and couldn't handle my letdown. After he figured out the latch we now mostly breastfeed while I'm home and then he's bottle-fed pumped milk while I'm at work. He did get a few formula feeds right after delivery because I had developed preeclampsia & was on a mag drip in absolutely no shape to hold or latch him anyway, but since day 2 it's been all breast milk.

I breastfed my first for 10 months, I started having D-MER at 5 months in and it really affected my mental health. I didn't want to breastfeed in the first place but my husband talked me into trying to make it a month. When I finally quit I decided I wouldn't be breastfeeding again and told my husband that if he wanted another kid I wouldn't be breastfeeding. Now I'm having twins and definitely don't plan on breastfeeding, I know it would be way too much on my mental health to breastfeed twins and take care of my 2 year old. I've already had a milk bleb and think I have a clogged duct currently and I'm only 24 weeks, it's so painful just taking care of my son like this, so I know I can't do the pain with three kids.

Combo feed until 7.5 months

Exclusively pump. I wanted to breast feed but baby wouldn't latch and I refused to used formula full time because it was the last bit of my plan I had wanted that was left. 11 months in and I plan to go till she naturally weans. I don't plan on having another but I do it all over again

I nurse all of my children direct on the boob/ on demand until 2 at least for its benefits . No bottles no pacifiers …I’m more natural oriented and all of the major health organizations worldwide from what I’ve seen thus far promote it as their first option provided that you’re able to do so adequately

I formula fed my first two. 1st wouldn't latch and the pressure from the hospital to breastfeed was insane, me being 17 and all that, it took my friend who.was in her 20s to advocate for me, I then had my second at 19 and went straight to formula, I then had my 3rd st 31, I BF her and even now at 2, I will never BF another child ever again

BF all 3 of mine, overcame mastitis with my first born and fed him till 15 months. My second, I only made it to 10 months because I wasn't taking care of myself. The milk supply was garbage... my youngest is 7 months old now, and we are still going strong she's heavily reliant on BF versus solid foods. I'll go as long as I can, hoping to make it to at least 12 months, but I'll be happy with longer. For me it's convenient, cheaper and I enjoy it. I find it fascinating how a baby's saliva determines the nutrients your milk pulls from your body and adjusts to whatever you baby needs at different stages. It's so connected, and i find that beautiful.

Breastfed. My son was a preemie so he did take bottles but when we got him I cut the bottles down. It just seems like I was spending so much more time trying to pump or get up to warm bottles especially at night. My husband was deployed so it was just us. And the formula he was on was so expensive so when he didn’t need it anymore I was sooo happy. It sucks a little now cause my youngest is attached but my son will sit with us while she nurses then they go play.

Breastfed. The thought of washing and sterilising either bottles or pump parts felt like a huge job and for me it was easier to go straight for a boob. Switched to formula at 10months as I went back to work and was so glad I wasn't making as many bottles as newborns need!

Breastfed until he was 14 months and wasn’t really fussed about it anymore, would’ve carried on if he wanted it. Best decision I ever made even though it was difficult and will definitely be doing it with any future children

I exclusively pumped for my first for my first because he wouldn't latch and always fell asleep at the breast. Then he developed a bottle preference and it was all over. I pumped for about 13 months 🙌 My newborn is exclusively BF and so far its going great

Breastfed my first and second approx a year each. Planning to breastfeed the 3rd (now 34 weeks pregnant). There is no way I would get out of bed to start making formulas in the middle of the night if I can avoid plus doing all the washing up etc. And also to go out I know I always have it with me, always the right temperature. I really enjoy breastfeeding but I also think it should be a personal choice. Whatever suits the situation.

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