Was your early gender scan accurate?

Getting a 16 week gender scan this week at 16+3, but now worrying that they’ll get it wrong! Those who did get an early gender scan, did they get it right or wrong for you? Thanks!
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Mine was! I did private at window to the womb at just fine 16wks they took extra time to triple check and it was confirmed at nhs scan at around 24/25 weeks :)

I had a private gender scan at 16 weeks and the gender was confirmed to be the same at 20 weeks! 😂

Yes. Had it at 15+2

I had various private scans in my first pregnancy and all confirmed girl and I had a girl. This time round at 11 weeks (private scan) they confirmed girl could clearly see the 3 lines, it was confirmed again at 16 week (private scan) and I’m sure I’ll have the same when I go for the 20 week scan

Now you are making me want to go and check mine too - I was doing very well until now (13 weeks pregnant!) 😂🤦‍♀️

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