Nursery drop-off tears 😢

How long (ie days/ weeks) did your little one cry for when being dropped off at nursery? My little girl was fine for the first week,but has screamed inconsolably for the last couple of weeks at drop off.She seems to be fine during the day (they send pictures) but the mornings are so tough! I know every child is different - my son was only around 3 or 4 days before he was happy to go in.But my heart hurts so badly!I don’t know at what point I may need to re-examine aspect of drop-off or the nursery itself. Thanks
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Mine was around a month and now she’s okay. I’ll stop one day just have to persevere until then x

Mine was about 5 weeks and even now some days he will. It’s so tough isn’t it! :(

So sorry to hear this. It's painful right. My LG was about 3ish weeks now she loves it. But I didn't elongate saying bye, I would literslly kiss her and go and this helped. Also I tried to not display my upset and anxiety as they can feel it so i would really make it an enjoyable morning talking lots and lots of smiling at drop off so she knows you're ok too. Now she just runs in ! It does get better i promise. I started off feeling incredibly low when she started , painfully so.

We've had lots of tears at drop off too. She's been going for 2 weeks, though apparently she was much better this morning (though maybe her dad dropping her off helped, so I'll see how it goes tomorrow when I do it). Also depends who opens the door at ours, as obviously she's more comfortable with the staff who are in the baby room, but it varies who opens the door.

We are on week 11 now and still cry’s when I drop him off some day even at the front door of the nursery he’s crying🤦🏻‍♀️ but when they take him to make breakfast as am walking out he’s calming down a little bit x

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