Does your newborn sleep well?

I read there’s no evidence that newborns sleep better when on formula but I am just wondering how it’s for your babies? Wondering if they’re sleeping quite well at night (long stretches) and if they sleep in next to me/ cot or on you?
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Both of my boys slept well in the newborn stage. First: formula fed Second: combo (currently 3 month old). Both slept in a pack n play/co sleep.

I combo fed when my baby was younger. But at night I would always give formula. Thankfully my baby ate at least every 4 hours, he was already on my schedule lol

I BF. He had average of 2hr naps and fed at 8pm, 1am and 5am for years (18m) and then he dropped the 1am feed but when he has his 5am feed we both go back to sleep until 8-9am he’s never started his day earlier than 8am.

My first was combination fed and so far my newborn is EBF since leaving the hospital. I’m pretty sure they sleep similarly at this point (baby isn’t even two weeks old). Both slept in bassinets in our bedroom. Sleep is largely due to temperament.

My baby is 6 wks and I EBF. She sleeps 3-4 hr stretches and falls right back asleep after changing/ eating

Both of mine were formula fed. My first was a HORRIBLE sleeper (as in, would scream and cry until she made herself sick) until about 2 months old when we figured out shes a belly sleeper, then she slept through the night. My second is an okay sleeper. Great if swaddled tight (not gonna debate, its whats best for us), but up every hour or 2 if hes not swaddled. Hell sleep about 8-10 hours straight when swaddled.

I had to combo feed to begin with as midwives made me as LO was not putting on enough weight despite constant breast feeding (turned out to be tongue tie) once I got the tongue tie fixed I went to mostly breast fed but kept the one formula feed at bedtime for a few months- I do think he slept better with that one bottle than his older siblings who were ebf did but may be down to temperament too.

Breastfed and not sleeping well at all at night. Sleeps all day though 😭

Both of mine were breastfed… one slept well, one did not! Both slept in a Moses basket at night, usually contact napped during the day

My daughter was ebf. From 6 weeks she did 5 hours, woke for a feed and nappy change then slept 5 hours.

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