My baby has a tongue tie so she’s eating for short times every hour but I think she’s also cluster feeding
My baby just enjoys contact naps and sleeping whilst breastfeeding. Cluster feeding is to increase your milk supply but babies also need comfort at different developmental stages too. Maybe a ring sling will help as long as he has good neck control and head control and is older than 4 months. There's ones you can feed on the go as long as they are old enough to sit up independently. It's hard but shouldn't last long. You can sleep train him too maybe.
I once saw a post saying that breasts are the original dummies - dummies were made to replicate breasts! I hate when people say this, so I’m sorry if it annoys you too, but it’s natural for baby to seek comfort from you by sucking. Your profile says baby is 1 month old? Your baby could also be cluster feeding and trying to regulate your milk output. Try not to stress about the cleaning - do you have a partner or support system who could help with this whilst baby is young? Showering is frustrating, I get that. Do you have a bouncer chair or something that baby could sit in and watch you whilst you shower? You might just have to ride this one out 😭💜 sending love 💜
my son used me as a binky too! after trying every single binky out there and having them not work i found the pacii. it’s a binky that shaped like the boob and it literally saved me!! it worked instantly and he still uses it everyday for comfort and he’s 9 months old. he can now take a normal binky as well but sometimes he likes the comfort of his og one.
i don’t have any tips but how old is baby ?