I've not flown with TUI with a baby but other airlines don't take too long testing the water. If you give it to tem first by the time you've gone through and popped shoes on etc it's done. I had to ask Starbucks for some boiling water before and I just used that on the plane too once it cooled a bit. Are the ready made milks an option ? Will your child drink them at room temp?
Hiya, we flew last month with our 8 month old formula fed baby for a 7am flight. And it was actually really fast & smooth! I don't know where you're flying from, but Gatwick had a family security check in area which was great. We brought though pre made & sterile water. We just put it all in 1 bag for security & let them do the testing they needed. I think security needs to check both sterile water & premade, so wouldn't make a difference with taking time? Baby was awake for the whole check in & queueing etc but fell asleep as soon as we took off! Wishing you a good flight x
@Elena because hot water kills the nutrients in the milk we have. And glad to hear they were okay with you taking a flask, hoping they are the same. I will give her a food for takeoff and hopefully it will all be okay, ha ha. It’s hard being a mum stressing about every little thing.
@Kirsty thank you for your comment, that makes me feel better. I wish the ready-made milks were an option, but it’s prescribed formula. Yeah, she only drinks it cool we can’t make them with the hot shot anyway because of the type of milk. I’ve also thought the plane might give me some ice cold water to cool it down if needs be.
@Jennifer that sounds like a breeze and made me feel a lot better thank you. I’ll be going from Manchester but assuming it will be the same glad you had a nice experience ♥️
My little girl has CMPA and is on Nutramigen so also make her bottles with room temperature water. We flew last year with her and will be flying again this weekend, I was so stressed but it was really easy! I just took through 4 bottles filled with 7oz of pre boiled water as I would usually do and then my pots of formula. They went through security absolutely no issue at all both here and in Majorca! Xx
@Jade omg that’s where we are going!!! Thank you so much ♥️ did you just keep them separate to your normal liquids?xx
@Ayesha so I made sure our hand luggage was super organised so that it was as easy as possible to get it out in the trays when we go to security. My partner had all our electrical items, chargers, passports etc together and our shared liquid bag so he did that and the stroller. I had a liquid bag for baby (calpol, teething gel, hand sanitiser, nappy cream) done in the exact same way you’d do your own, then her 4 bottles went in a tray by themselves because they get wiped down and then everything else just went through in her bag. Honestly the bit that took the longest was getting her in and out of the carrier for the whole process! Majorca airport was even quicker and more efficient than here, we went straight into a ‘family’ line so the security staff there knew exactly what they were doing and were great! Xx
@Jade amazing thank you soooo much!! I’ve ordered a Boots click and collect so I won’t have that many liquids to be honest just the bottles. Also, did you take a buggy? Xx
Jumping in here but I took a buggy to Manchester last September. We got the regular tag in it when we checked suitcases in but then kept it to up to boarding the plane when they put it in the hold (we also loaded our bag of nappies in the pram basket to save space in suitcases). For security checks we just had to put the pram down completely empty. Like jade I took baby carrier too to free up both hands but I did have to take baby out of carrier whilst going through scanner bit xx
Best to get pre made for the plane. We just got back from Egypt yesterday. Feel free to ask any questions. My baby is 8 months old.
When I flew with my 3 month old I took ready made milk they unscrewed one bottle to see it was sealed and that was it
@Hannah I can’t get pre made unfortunately, it’s prescribed specialist milk
@Kirsty is the pram covered under the hand luggage weight? Xxx
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@Hannah did they give baby a seatbelt? For when they are on your knee? Xx
@Paige ahh unfortunately that’s not an option for us, would’ve made it so much simpler 🙃
@Ayesha I believe when I looked into it as I couldn’t decide what to take you can take water through they will just check that it is only water as it’s essential for a baby and there usually isint a limit for how much you can take through xx
@Ayesha Ryanair/jet 2 I think both allow 2 pieces of extra items for baby. Just check TUI x
@Ayesha no worries, it really was nowhere near as stressful as I thought it would be! All of the staff we came across were lovely and offered help and the people around us on the plane were really friendly and chatted to our little girl when you could tell she was getting bored! We did, we took a joolz aer plus which is cabin approved, still had to put it in the hold on the way out but it came in the cabin on the way home. Round the airports I used a carrier for baby and we used the stroller to put all our bags on xx
We’ve flown four times with our baby with ready feed and security has taken no longer than if we are flying alone xx
@Ayesha yes they gave us a seatbelt to go over him whilst on our knee xx
We flew from Manchester in October (4 month old) and I took a whole Chillys flask of boiled water, a nuby rapid cool and about 7 pots of formula in her changing bag plus the empty bottles. Nothing was checked or tested and we went through fine. Similar to others I had a bit of teething gel in my normal liquid bag but everything else just stayed in the changing bag and didn't come out. Maybe we got a relaxed day but nothing was asked to be checked. She has prescription formula too - we had an entire tub of that unopened in the hand luggage too x
@Nicola this is actually so helpful, we are flying from Manchester too. Thank you so much especially mentioning the formula as we were advised we would need a doctor note about her formula which I thought was bizarre 🙄🤣x
Why do you make the bottle with cool water? You can take a flask through, I took a flask of boiling Nuby rapid cool empty bottles and formula pots. You’ll probs find they will be awake in the airport because of all the lights and noise and then once your on the plane give them a feed for take off and they may sleep for a good portion of the flight. The sounds on the plane are like white noise.