
Little one is 3 months and 2 weeks and has never been great with sleeping. He has always loved to contact nap day and night, but eventually we managed to get him to go down at the side of us as long as we are touching him, and then he wakes and have to do it again. Last couple of days he just fights naps and if he does nap will only be for 10 minutes to half an hour but will be fussy because he’s obviously still tired, night he will sleep from about 9 till half 5 but will wake a good few times in the night but will be settled back to sleep. Any tips or ideas with the naps/fussiness would be great.
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May just be sleep regression as that happens around now! My second is the same age and she slept quite well until 2 weeks ago and now naps are the same as you. She will sleep well from 10pm-3am but no other time. Just keep doing what you are doing as he will find his rhythm in the next few weeks hopefully 🙂

Mine is 13 weeks and in the last week or so fights every nap now which is around 15-25 minutes! At night she latches then pulls off and cries/complains before latching again and this repeats until she's asleep. She has also taken to waking up between 5 and 7 am before going back to sleep for a couple of hours. All this is new! I believe it is due to all the development going on right now and hoping she will settle again soon.

@Laurel have you tried to offer a dummy to your LO when she pulls off? Mine does the same but once I give her her dummy, she falls asleep immediately.

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