Am I selfish for getting annoyed
My little one is 3 months and is bottle fed and I also have a 3 year old. So far I have done every single night feed since my baby was born and I find myself getting up with him between 4/5 o’clock most mornings to prevent him waking up his brother.
My husband works full time, so I understand him wanting to sleep but he wonky works 4 days a week and even on his days off it seems to be me still getting up early and I spend most of the day dealing with baby. He will get up the baby in the morning maybe once every two weeks to let me sleep in but even then I’ll be woken up an hour or two later by the older son, but for some reason if it’s his dad sleeping in he will just get up and come and find me leaving my husband to sleep.
I’m exhausted and my husband doesn’t seem to understand why, I haven’t had a break in three months and to be honest I haven’t had a single night to myself in 3 years! But I’m left feeling like the bad person if I complain because my husband does work so hard!
Is it wrong of me to get so angry at him that I become snappy
Absoloutely not selfish and this is not sustainable for you. Can you come up with something else? My husband is in the spare bedroom Sunday night - Thursday night and does the morning with the 4 year old, although he does come wake me up 🙈 and then I’m in the spare bedroom Friday night and Saturdays night and j do the mornings with the 4 year old x