Settle in basinet

My LO is 8 weeks old, we go to bed at 9pm, feed and in the cot for 10pm ish. She will sleep fine until around 1am, wake to feed but will not settle back in her cot after this time, she always wakes up and cries anything from 30 seconds to 10 mins after being put back. I’ve tried waiting for her to be in a deeper sleep but whether it’s 10 mins or an hour after feeding she’ll wake when put down. She will only then settle and sleep on me so unfortunately I’ve had to do this, against all safe sleeping guidelines, as it’s the only way I’ve been able to get any sleep. I can’t do the alternative of looking after her on zero sleep either. Any tips? 💤😩
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Chest sleeping can be done safely! Check out happycosleeper on Instagram for tips on how. This saved me with my first and knowing how to do it safely gave me peace of mind.

Also in the exactly same situation with my 8 week old! Only that he sleeps at around 11pm for 1hr🤣 then he’s up for a feed every hour after that and won’t settle in his crib. He’s been sleeping on me as i need my sleep just as much as he does!

@Lynne thanks ☺️

Hi, I have an 8 week old and I can so relate to this. I had this problem, we do the same, go to bed around 9pm and she is in the cot around 9-10pm. Then wakes up around 1am, has bottle, if she doesn’t settle I read a story or white noise.

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