Does anyone else still have to keep baby upright after feeding solids?

It's not as bad after milk or dinner but after breakfast I have to keep her in her chair for about half an hour and then hold her for a while because she throws up if she goes on her tummy
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How close is her morning bottle to her breakfast? Maybe she’s too full?

@Elena deffo could be the case . Mine has his breakfast about an hour to an hour and half after his bottle and if it’s any earlier he doesn’t even eat much

@Elena it doesn't matter, she's breastfed so she only has as much as she wants milk wise and it can be 30 minutes to 8 hours between milk and breakfast but it still happens. I don't force the food down her either, I stop when she stops opening her mouth for it

Dammmn that’s a bit rude she’s only trying to help . She said she might too full as a suggestion she never said you force food down her throat. 🙄🙄🙄

I think you’ve taken what I said the wrong way because your comment back has come across quite rude. I never said you are force feeding her. She may drink enough milk on the boob to be full and then say your feeding an hour later she is still full. You said could be 30 mins to 8 hours, you haven’t waited 8 hours because then it would be dinner time.. so let’s disregard that part of your comment. I would try breakfast before boob, have you tried this? So give whatever you give then try boob 1.5/2 hours later.

@Elena I wasn't being rude? I just said that it didn't matter how close milk was to feeding time and that it's not due to too much milk because she's being fed on demand and not a set amount on schedule. And the food comment was because she only gets fed what she wants therefore can't be from over feeding...sometimes I breastfeed her in the morning before breakfast, sometimes breakfast is the first thing she eats so it is anything between half an hour and 8 hours between her last milk and her food. Sorry if it came across as rude but I was just stating the facts

This is why I have to go incognito cos as soon as someone says a fact or a statement they get ripped into and called rude 😭

Why does that mean you have to go incognito? I’m not the only one who felt your comment was rude, @Justina also felt that way. If it wasn’t then okay that’s fine I’m just saying how it came across. It’s not that deep I was just tryna help because my boy was also sick after his first bottle of the morning..

@Elena Loads of people feel they have to go incognito because of embarrassment over stuff like this. Facts and statements aren't rude. You asked me a question and then acted like I was rude for answering. Wish I hadn't bothered asking now

Why be embarrassed that your child is sick after breakfast? I don’t get people sometimes.. but okay I’m gonna leave here now because you don’t want my advice obviously.

@Elena I'm embarrassed of people having a go at me for explaining what's happening. Every time I try and explain a situation I get called rude or told I don't want help. I don't get why answering a question is rude

Oh so you’ve been told this before okay well maybe change the way you respond to people and people wouldn’t think you were being rude.. if multiple people are saying it to you then clearly there is an issue.

@Elena But all I did was answer your question? Why would I not answer the way I did? I literally explained why the space between morning milk and breakfast makes no difference and I can't see how there is any other way to answer that. I never said you accused me of force feeding her or that I don't want help, you two are the ones picking out random things and saying I said something different

The truth is the way you said I don’t force the food down her either is rude and you have to take accountability for that . End off

@Justina but I don't force food down her? And she breastfeed as much as she wants rather than set amounts? How is stating a fact rude?

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Here's a list of parts where I think you were both rude. "She never said you force food down her throat" I never said it either "You haven't waited 8 hours because then it would be dinner time" 8 hours can be overnight, you sound like you're calling me a liar or that I'm too stupid to tell the time "It's not that deep" you insult me by calling me rude and starting an issue then tell me that it's not an issue "You obviously don't want my advice" I'm here for advice, you just decided that my information to help you give advice was rude "Oh so you've been told this before okay well maybe change the way you respond to people and people wouldn't think you were being rude" again just kind of insulting me and saying that I need to somehow give information without giving information "You have to take accountability for that" take ability for giving information? For not using bullet points? Should I have added some laughing emojis? You can't just continuously criticize me for giving information that was asked for...

You see I’m so bored of this now I ain’t even reading that. Get a fucking life now please Jesus Christ no body even cares.

@Elena you clearly care enough that you decided to be rude multiple times about me answering a question

I really don’t care. I tried to be polite and help you, but I couldn’t care less about your situation so I’m off now go deal with your situation yourself.

@Elena I really hope you never ask for advice and if you do then I hope people refuse to help you purely because you answered a question.

For what it's worth Incog, I don't think you came across as rude at all, at least not how I read it! Some people will just find fault in anything and everything but that's not a reflection on you Regarding your question, could it be anything to do with what she's eating? An intolerance of some kind? Or a bit of reflux? Either way, if you're concerned you could just mention it to your GP, or health visitor as I imagine you'll be having a 12 month review sometime soon?☺️

@Lauren Thank you, idek if I'm rude or not anymore but I'm not trying to be! She has weetabix with fruit, yoghurt and fruit or porridge and fruit for breakfast. Sometimes she'll have fruit with dinner and she's fine with that so I don't think it's the fruit. Because she's breastfed I don't think it could be the dairy setting her off or she'd react to my milk too. She always has been a bit refluxy but starting solids (specifically breakfast) seemed to fix it but now she's bringing up breakfast and not milk throughout the day. Her health visitor review will be closer to 12 months because we saw them recently due to weight issues but I might message them and ask about it then

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