
Does your lo go to sleep themself in the cot at night? Is this the only way to get them sleeping through? My lo wakes up every night to come and sleep in our bed because I don’t put her down in the cot to sleep herself I guess
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We've always put our lo down in her own cot for naps and bedtime, and she has only had to come out a few times because of teething.

I hold mine to sleep still as its the quickest way to get her down and she sleeps through 60% of the time at the min so no its def not reliant on that! Equally some babies settle themselves to sleep but still wake up. Her waking and coming in with you doesnt depend on how she falls asleep ❤️

I hold mine to sleep and then transfer her, she sleeps through as long as there is nothing else going on, I.e teething, illness, regression etc! So probably 70% of the time xx

My little one has always gone down half asleep in his cot and has only just started sleeping through. I tried rocking to sleep co sleeping and popping him awake in the cot stroking his back leaving him etc. I think it's just down to the baby. Xx

I lie with my 3 year old to get her to sleep while my partner takes our 16 month old downstairs where she falls asleep on him. Then he brings her up to her cot which is joined on to my bed and she wakes constantly throughout the night for breast milk - ends up in bed with me. Neither have ever fallen asleep on their own 😫

They don’t need to go to sleep themselves to sleep through x

@Penny that sounds tough

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