Difficult eating phase

My toddler has hit the stage where all she wants to do is eat yogurt, cheese string, ice lollies and sometimes strawberries. Meal times are getting difficult She’ll eat occasionally toast, noodles and chicken but where’s the nutrition. It’s not filling her up as she’s demanding yogurt after yogurt. Come bedtime I feel awful because I don’t feel like she’s eaten enough. My question is how do you get her out of the habit? I’ve tried not giving in to her demands and put other foods down but she just refuses to eat then
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Could it just be the heat cos it's quite hot this week?

@Deepa no it’s been going on since January xx

Aah ok. Sorry I don't have any advice for you :( we go thru stages of picking eating but it's usually only for a few days at a time. So I don't know how I would handle that 😬

@Deepa thank you for replying anyway xx

I just wanted to say we defo go through phases and cheese strings and strawberries are up there! My partner keeps saying we can’t force feed her and she’ll eat when she’s hungry, if she has a cold or teething it’s definitely worse too I keep offering nutritious meals as I read to do this hope this helps

@Kate thank you. I do keep putting down the good stuff to see if she’ll try it but she won’t 😩 Hopefully she’ll get over this phase soon xx

My daughter is the same, it’s been on and off for the past few months. She will ear her favourite foods but will not touch veggies etc. luckily she loves all fruit so gets some nutrients there but any food I give he has to have loads of cheese on it! She eats fine in nursery though funnily enough! (Or so they say, whether it ends up on the floor,who knows) It’s mainly at home she is picky! I think most toddlers go through a snacks phase where they just survive on snacks in refuse their meals. It’s totally normal from what I’ve read x

Don’t stress yourself we have been through this so many times. Just let them eat what they want and they will eventually get back to eating properly. I just make sure he’s having his multivitamin everyday! I know it’s not easy because naturally you worry are they getting enough but all the little bits add up and she will get to eating properly soon I’m sure xx

Thank you both xx

My daughter is going through the same shed be 2 next month most babies go through this so I’m just waiting for it to pass she is my third baby and all of them went through this and it goes so I’m just waiting lol

My son has never ate properly. I’ve tried him with everything and he lives on toast, yoghurts and biscuits. I am at my wits end with it, the stress it causes me is unbelievable. I’m just hoping be will be more open to trying new stuff as he gets older 😔 x

I've experienced this on and off she will eat bits hers and there but to get a full meal is so stressful sometimes but this last for a week or two then she's eating normally again

I think maybe when she's got teeth coming and under the weather x

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