I had my Csection in November. My consultant app was in the antenatal clinic around 24 or 28 weeks, and they chat with you about risks, why you want to opt for elective, etc. The consultant I saw was my favourite person in the entire NHS and he booked my appointment the next day for 39+1 days. He explained even how stitches are done (I asked him questions around the type of stitching they do on each layer to avoid an overhang). My advice is to go prepared on the reason you want an elective and show that you’ve done your reading and research into risks etc.
@Alexandra thank you for the info! I am currently 27 weeks pregnant and have my appointment at around 30 weeks, I am really leaning towards elective c section just a bit nervous how they will react as I currently have no medical reasoning
My only advice is to check what painkillers they give after surgery (make sure it’s breastfeeding friendly if you are EBS) and they also give you gastric protectors to take with pain drugs. The midwife that discharged me messed this up for me. Otherwise, everyone was amazing.
@Karin that’s good to know! Thank you!
I had no reason either, other than a huge fear of giving birth 😅 I found them really lovely and to be honest even if you get someone that may push back on you, push back harder on them. It’s an option that NHS has made available for pregnant women so they need to provide you with your choice.
@Karin I had my appointment with Antonio too. He was such a breath of fresh air.
@Karin thanks so much ❤️ this is my first baby, so I’m clueless about it all 😅
@Karin the midwifes on the delivery ward was my biggest pain. The surgical team were absolute stars too.
I had a elective C section at Watford out of choice and it was all very straight forward x