@Hannah im 29 weeks, 30bon saturday. I missed my 28 week one so i see the midwife this thursday instead. Im having regular growth scans and shes growing well
I'm in Torfaen, but it works the same here as in Newport. The person above described it best, but something else to add is that if you want a birthing pool, you'll need to hire that yourself as the NHS don't provide them. Also, when you're in labour, you need to call triage and they'll send the on-call midwife to you to assess. They'll have the key to the gas and air box (I tried getting into mine while I was waiting but had no luck!) x
Well mention it to your midwife this week. Guessing you’re under a consultant if you’re having regular growth scans? I would discuss wanting to have homebirth with consultant and as long as no issues with you/baby/growth then they may sign you back to midwifery led care when they see you for last appt. X
What Hannah said above! They will come and do an assessment first to see if it’s safe for them and talk you through when they might need to take you to hospital. I would speak to your midwife sooner rather than later. You can’t have a home birth if baby arrives before 37 weeks and you’ll have to advocate really hard for them to let you birth at home post 40 weeks.
@Dilara i discussed with her a while a go, she said i can choose to have a home birth and when i go into labour ring the midwife team who will then send out midwifes. My partner wants me to have baby in hospital but i dont have anyone to have all 3 kids
Depending on how many weeks you are now but the community midwife would usually come to the house to do birth plan/assessment of environment to see whether it’s safe/suitable around 36 weeks and would then go back and out order in for entonox (gas & air) which the canisters would then get dropped off to you. They may drop a birthing/delivery pack etc off but the community midwives carry these when on call anyway. How many weeks are you now and when is your next antenatal check? X