I feel like I could have written this myself! My little boy also won’t eat alot either he’s formula fed but has about 30oz a day x
My little girl will eat the old mouthful (a bite of sweet potato or a chip) or she’ll suck on stuff but I wouldn’t say she’s consuming much at all either. We’re just following her lead x
Thanks @Rachel @Sophia @Molly! I know milk is their main source of nutrition for the first year, but it’s so hard not to worry. X
@Serena Most babies don’t become confident eaters until around 18 months which is a long time away! Social media has a lot to answer for in terms of making all mums believe it’s normal for their babies to consume plates of food within months of starting weaning and it isn’t! xx
@Serena it really is isn't it! I've been worrying more the closer we get to me going back to work as well, so really reassuring. Also thanks @Molly I didn't know about the 18mo age thing. ❤️
I commented on a similar post yesterday, my babe is coming up 9 months and some days she eats half a slice of toast (mostly mushed), other days nothing at all, other days she will have a bit of this and that. A lot of days it ends up on the floor or in her bib.. She won’t have pouches or purée at all. As long as you keep offering (it’s a lot of waste I know), they’re sat with you at mealtimes and you make meal times fun (I often chew like a cow and make yum noises) then that’s all you can do really at this point
I see eating similarly to how I see other milestones... they're not all ready at the same time and their development is not linear. The more relaxed you are about it the more likely they are to enjoy it, so try not to stress and just keep offering until they're ready x
This post and all the comments have been so reassuring to me! 🤗
You're not alone! My DS might have the occasional spoon of something (it's absolutely pot luck) and chew on other bits handed over, but he's not quite cracked this eating and swallowing malarkey. From what I see it's super common and things are just guidelines - hard to not worry and be stressed I know. Keep involving him, and he'll get there I'm sure! ☺️