God it’s not just us then. My little boy goes down about 7:30/8. He wakes at 11 ish and then sometimes I’ll just keep him in bed with me and I’m not joking my nipple is in his mouth until the morning. If he loses it, he will get distressed and I quickly shove it back in and we repeat this until we get up for the day. So, following for advice cause I have a 2 year old as well and I’m extremely tired. X
I feel you! Similar to @Chloe co sleep and baby just uses me as a dummy all night. Didn’t want to end up in this co sleeping situation as was hoping to move baby into her own space at 6 months but don’t know how that is even possible with how we’re going st the moment
I don’t know how I’m managing to function. My little girl is also terrible at night, wakes every 60/90 minutes for either a feed or cuddle. Feels relentless as she’s been a terrible sleeper since birth 😭
Same, I’m like a dead woman walking 😩 I know they say using us as dummies is natural but functioning on zero sleep for 5 months doesn’t seem natural to me.
Huckleberry app has saved me! Up until about 3/4 weeks ago I was the exact same….my boobs were killing me! We found monitoring his naps/wake windows throughout the day has enabled us to put him down earlier and have about 2 wakes a night now. Down at 8, wakes 12 and 3ish for a change and too up and will typically sleep in till 7-8 now! Will he sleep independently throughout the day? Good luck momma you got this!! xx