@Isabelle Thank you! Do you use it for milk or water?
@Isabelle another vote for this one. My son took to it straight away whereas others took him him ages c
@Emily I use it for water but actually bought it to use for milk and probably will start using it for milk soon. I actually used a different one beforehand but it's got a hard top/teat (I'll send a picture) which I've read isn't recommended for good oral development. He loves it though and uses it for milk and water
@Isabelle ooh I’ve got this one too - is it ok for oral development?
@Emily im in the same boat by the way w the EBF & bottle issue and just moved abroad to Riyadh and breastfeeding in public isn’t as common so really struggling when im out!
I have this straw cup for my ebf baby and he loves it. He learnt how to use it on the first try!