I think I messed up.

My little guy was forced bottle fed only by the NICU and me finding it awkward trying to learn to there. And it was also fortified for calories. Well home, he latched immediately. It was super easy for us. Thank goodness. I’d originally been very strict on my pumping schedule and was an over supplier. And he was still taking his bottles in the day time. Boobs at night because well, easier. But now he’s pretty much refusing the bottles, one of my pumps broke so I’m hardly using it. But he will drink like an oz then hold the bottle in his mouth like a binky and not take anymore before if goes bad in the 30 minutes I can use it for. I’m scared he’s going to not grow enough on just my milk 🥺 and that I’ve created a little boob only now monster of sorts. And most likely ruined my supply doing this as well.
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Maybe try some new bottles that are more like breast the nuk perfect match ones are good or the Philip avent ones

Are you wanting to keep using bottles? By the sounds of things you’re doing amazing and he’s a happy BF baby? He’ll be very well nourished on your milk and he will be regulating your milk production to suit his needs. Defo not ruined your supply 🤍 You could always do a little pump after a couple feeds if it makes you feel more confident having a freezer stash? x

@Jmt I guess I’m scared since he needed the calories to begin with that my milk won’t be enough for him to thrive and grow. I have a frozen supply already. Started that early. So I guess maybe I just panicked because he’s not taking the fortified anymore

It's very unlikely your milk isn't enough - human milk is the absolute best food for a baby.

I also had a NICU baby that is home now. We started fortifying breast milk in the hospital too. Her pediatrician still wants any bottles she gets to be fortified but if she's just on the breast, not to worry. My little girl is still not a big fan of the boob or very efficient at the boob so we're still mostly doing bottles. I've also created an oversupply with pumping. I don't think you'll have ruined your supply by going just on breast, it'll match exactly what baby needs. And like JMT said above, you can always pump after baby feeds to keep a freezer stash available and keep your supply up.

@Alexis I can relate, my preemie twins were on high cal formula too and I ended up stopping breast milk all together because I was made to feel that it wasn’t enough. I so wish I’d had the support and honestly the supply it sounds like you have! You have totally got this 🤍🫶🏻

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