
My little boy has just turned 4 weeks and he was so fussy all night and has been fussy all day today, won’t let me put him down. He’s not even so much crying, I mean he lets out little moans and groans here and there. He’s still drinking his milk and plenty of wet and dirty nappies. He feels warm but wouldn’t say he feels really hot like he has a temp. Is this normal? I know he is still very young but up until now he’s been okay with me putting him down. But I know newborns are very unpredictable.
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Just wants his mummy by the sounds of things 🥰

Well I’m absolutely fine with that. I love the cuddles. I think I’m just a bit of a worrier and if he does anything slightly abnormal for him I’m ready to dial 111 🫣😂

@Sarah totally get you. I'm sure he's fine though. Do you bf or formula or bit of both? Maybe he's bit more hungry ? Add an extra Oz if formula? Xx

I formula. And at the moment he seems to be cluster feeding a little. I know it’s slightly different with formula but during the day he’ll have 30 mls and then he’ll want 90 and sometimes he has the whole 120 and he’s eats very frequently. So maybe he’s just going through a bit of a growth spurt? At nights he normally downs the whole bottle when he wakes, it’s just during the day atm that’s a bit all over the place xx

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