My baby is almost 11 months old and is currently resisting both naps. We were doing wake at 6:30-7 with first nap 9:30 for 30 mins and 1:30-3:30. Now he takes up to an hour to go off or refuses altogether. He will only do contact naps and will not go off in the buggy. Any advice or people going through the same thing?
My boy (10 months) was like this so I
Stopped trying to nap him lol. Now he has 1 nap a day and is much much happier. No crying, pushing, refusing to go down because he actually wants to go to sleep and will have a comfortable deep sleep in his cot. we only did contact naps and this has honestly been a game changer! Trust your baby and see when they want to go to sleep. My boy wakes between 6-7am nap tends to be 11:30-1:30 and bed time 6:30/7 x
Aww thank you for sharing! Does he sleep through the night?
that’s okay ☺️ he has done a few sleep throughs but he’s so used to having some milk he wakes up for 1 feed but will go straight back off
My boy (10 months) was like this so I Stopped trying to nap him lol. Now he has 1 nap a day and is much much happier. No crying, pushing, refusing to go down because he actually wants to go to sleep and will have a comfortable deep sleep in his cot. we only did contact naps and this has honestly been a game changer! Trust your baby and see when they want to go to sleep. My boy wakes between 6-7am nap tends to be 11:30-1:30 and bed time 6:30/7 x