Yeah she’s just fully formula fed now! I do the same with the sleeping as she struggles on her back too. I might opt for a comfort milk, my sister tried this with her boy and she said it really helped x
It could be milk but this also may not have to do with milk. It could be witching hour, purple crying, a leap or growth spurt (or combination - yay!). If she’s got very bad reflux is she staying upright for 30-45mins after feeds? Pace feeding? You can also try elevating the head of her bassinet to keep her slightly inclined (I wedge something underneath the frame for a little bit and find it has helped with reflux) Ftm is a struggle sometimes and there’s so many things that you don’t end up knowing until they happen. You’re doing an awesome job mama’s❤️
I changed to comfort milk. Cow and gate and I add drops of colief and my daughter is like a different baby. X
Hi all, colic and reflux baby over here. I'm currently EBF and doctor advised I continue. I'm my first had colic and we combi-fed with aptamil comfort but nothing much changed. Just wondering if you've been recommended to switch to formula as I was told to stick to BF. Any advice welcome, I know how tough it is!
@Rachael do they do this formula in the mini bottles ready to drink or just powder form? Did you switch from a different brand and did you do it gradually or straight away?
@Sophie no they don’t do it in the ready made one. Although my health visitor said you can buy a thickener from the chemist to add to normal milk which breaks down the lactose. I switched straight away but from cow and gate first milk to cow and gate comfort. They said it didn’t matter about sticking to the same brand if I couldn’t find it feel free to message me if you want xxx
@Rachael ahh! She’s currently on aptamil do you think it’s fine switching brands? Heard great things about the cow & gate comfort!
@Sophie the health visitor told me it didn’t matter about the brand as they all have the same stuff in them all you can do is try I guess xx
I could have written this myself! It’s so horrible - we got omeprazole from drs in the end for reflux, he’s still sick but doesn’t seem as uncomfortable! Also I know it’s not recommended but I put him down for sleeps on his front. I really recommend the sensational baby sleep plan by Alison Scott-wright. My next plan is to change to a specific formula or even cows milk free one. Have you stopped BF? Think i might have to after all this! Good luck with it all! X