Colic and reflux babies

My 8 week baby girl has struggled with a little reflux since birth, she was combi fed for 3 weeks and then we switched to Aptamil formula and she feeds really well. She is struggling badly from 5pm/8pm with bad colic, crying/screaming for hours and nothing will soothe her. We have tried everything, different winding techniques, infacol, gripe water, soothing techniques, warm bath, walk before bedtime and nothing soothes her she’s also struggling with reflux on top of the colic. She has her 8 week check up tomorrow but I’m considering changing her milk formula - would you reccomend a colic comfort milk or anti reflux milk and does anybody have any recommendations? She doesn’t seem to be struggling with constipation but I might be wrong!
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I could have written this myself! It’s so horrible - we got omeprazole from drs in the end for reflux, he’s still sick but doesn’t seem as uncomfortable! Also I know it’s not recommended but I put him down for sleeps on his front. I really recommend the sensational baby sleep plan by Alison Scott-wright. My next plan is to change to a specific formula or even cows milk free one. Have you stopped BF? Think i might have to after all this! Good luck with it all! X

Yeah she’s just fully formula fed now! I do the same with the sleeping as she struggles on her back too. I might opt for a comfort milk, my sister tried this with her boy and she said it really helped x

It could be milk but this also may not have to do with milk. It could be witching hour, purple crying, a leap or growth spurt (or combination - yay!). If she’s got very bad reflux is she staying upright for 30-45mins after feeds? Pace feeding? You can also try elevating the head of her bassinet to keep her slightly inclined (I wedge something underneath the frame for a little bit and find it has helped with reflux) Ftm is a struggle sometimes and there’s so many things that you don’t end up knowing until they happen. You’re doing an awesome job mama’s❤️

I changed to comfort milk. Cow and gate and I add drops of colief and my daughter is like a different baby. X

Hi all, colic and reflux baby over here. I'm currently EBF and doctor advised I continue. I'm my first had colic and we combi-fed with aptamil comfort but nothing much changed. Just wondering if you've been recommended to switch to formula as I was told to stick to BF. Any advice welcome, I know how tough it is!

@Rachael do they do this formula in the mini bottles ready to drink or just powder form? Did you switch from a different brand and did you do it gradually or straight away?

@Sophie no they don’t do it in the ready made one. Although my health visitor said you can buy a thickener from the chemist to add to normal milk which breaks down the lactose. I switched straight away but from cow and gate first milk to cow and gate comfort. They said it didn’t matter about sticking to the same brand if I couldn’t find it feel free to message me if you want xxx

@Rachael ahh! She’s currently on aptamil do you think it’s fine switching brands? Heard great things about the cow & gate comfort!

@Sophie the health visitor told me it didn’t matter about the brand as they all have the same stuff in them all you can do is try I guess xx

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