
Hiya! Any mummies who have colics babies? Mine is 6 weeks and 3 days and we are struggling so much with her it makes me cry 😥 I hate seeing her in so much pain. Last evening between 7-8 pm she was crying hysterically and didn’t stop until I put her in the bath which settled her 🥺 I spoke today with my HV and adviced me to change Her formula to a comfort one, so I switched to Aptamil Comfort and MAM anti-colics bottles. I hope we’ll see some improovement. What worked for you ? 🙏
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Hiya, sorry to hear how tough it’s been! I’m in the same boat, baby is coming up to 6 weeks now and we made the switch to Aptamil comfort last week which has made a huge difference, so I’d defo recommend it. It does take a good few days for them to settle with the new formula though. Also I find that keeping baby upright for about 20-30mins after feeding helps. Hope this starts to work for you x

@Shims ohh, so happy to hear that 🥺 hope will work for us too xx did you switch directly or little by little like 1 bottle today, 2 tomorrow and so on?

Hey, we're 8 weeks and colic is here in full force. I can't speak for for formula switches as we're EBF but hoping this makes as a difference for you as I know how tough it is. My first had colic and I just keeping reminding myself it's just a phase. So sorry you're experiencing this, it's not easy for you or baby. You're doing a great job 🙌🫶

@Jodi thank you ❤️

@Raluca we just made the switch directly x

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