Not sure how old your baby is but as mentioned before, babies still need milk until at least 1 year old. In Canada they even recommend breastfeeding until 2 years old! If you don’t want to breastfeed/pump you will need to supplement with formula if baby is not old enough. Have you discussed it with your pediatrician? As for introducing baby to food you always want to give milk first (because it’s still the main source of nutrition) and then ca 30 minutes later give food. When I stopped pumping around the time my first baby was 1 1/2 I pumped whenever I felt engorged and just until it wasn’t painful anymore. The supply went down by itself like that and eventually I could stop completely. ☺️
What they said! The American academy of pediatrics also recommends breastfeeding until two years old. Reiterating because it's so important, breast milk (or formula) is a baby's main source of nutrition, any solid food they eat before one is just a bonus on top of that
Forgot to mention I’m 6 month postpartum
Ohhhh I think you guys misunderstood me! Drying my milk up means I still have milk back and formula of course until 1 years old! I’m just trying to ween off nursing
@Margie Sudafed will dry you up & cabbage leaves
Hi! I just slowly dropped one nursing / pump feed every other day or so and supplemented with formula to help prevent engorgement. Took about 2 weeks!
Milk is still their main source of nutrition before they’re 1, so you really don’t want to dry up completely unless you have a lot of milk stashed away.