I just used a cradle cap shampoo a few times and brushed with a soft bristle brush 🤷🏼♀️
My son had it when he was a few weeks old. I put coconut oil on and left it for an hour, then I scrubbed it off with a soft bristle brush in the bath. I moisturize his head along with the rest of his body after bath every night and it's never come back
For the most part, I used breast milk and coconut oil and then brushed it out, but I picked at the loose bits to get them off. I assumed it meant like don’t really go ham picking at it cause I’ve seen pictures of babies scalps going really red and raw if you pull at it too much without loosening it up first
Went away on its own around 6 months 🤷 I used to gently rub her scalp, either with my fingertips or a washcloth, to get all the dry flakes off. We did start using a massage oil on her scalp around then which probably helped.
My toddler got it recently and i just rubbed coconut oil on her hair/scalp before bed then a nit comb in the morning to scrape it off. Worked a treat xx