You definitely shouldn’t be just sitting at the park. You should be right next to him supervising and supporting him.
Because he wants to play. You should be with them at the park every step of the way.
That's because he wants you to play with him! My toddler is the same way! I embrace it and trips to the park have become a real fun time to interact and play games with my toddler!
If we are out of the house I am right beside him helping him and watching him but in the backyard sometimes I sit and he comes over and grabs my hand and says “come on mama” but mostly at home he likes a mix of independent play and playing with us. What age is he? If he’s big enough to play on his own at the park he should be able to communicate some.
Even though my nearly 3 year old can talk, he still pulls me & my husband up to play with him when we take him to play places. I think it's just because he is so used to us playing with him at home that he forgets he's got other children to play with when we go out.
I wouldn't expect to be sitting on the side watching when they're a toddler, tbh. You need to be up with them!
ah I haven’t made this clear. I’m on my period and kept sitting on benches while his auntie was with him !! He’s 22 months so does still need support in the park. He does sometimes do this to me and his close relatives when we are at their houses too.. but I know he just wants us to get up. Just seeing if this is normal x
Of course it’s normal (I’ve seen your update)! They just want your attention and for you to play/engage with him! He’s still very young, my 5.5yr old will only now go off and play at other people’s houses x
I never sat when my toddler was at the park. I would be right there w her. Helping her as needed and communicating for her at times w kids who were a little older than her. How old is he???