@Danni nights are also up the wall here too. He used to sleep through the night before the 4 month regression hit and it’s never recovered but the past week has been something else! I hope it passes for us both soon x
He is also feeding so much in the night as it’s the only thing that will settle him when he wakes but it actually is worse than the newborn days 🤯
Are his wake windows long enough? I had a similar thing and I found when my little boy is on 3 naps I have to rock him etc because he's not quite tired enough (but can't stretch wake windows without bed time being really late) but on two naps he can settle himself or has done a couple of times.
His normal wake windows are 2 and a 1/2 to 2 hours 3/4 and 3 hours before bed but the past couple of days he’s stretching all of them to 3 hours +. What wake windows do you follow @Simone? X
Ours kind of vary depending on if it's 2 or 3 naps days. But I've found that when his are less than 3 even though he seems tired he won't settle himself. We're still in between two and 3 though as some days he wakes up early and then his wake windows can be as little as 2 hours. I find it super hard to tell when he's tired enough before he tips over into being overtired!!
Yes!! My LG is having so many frequent night wakings atm…the only way I can get her to do good stretches is put her in with me and I’ve never co slept before (apart from a very brief spell with the 4 month regression) she was an amazing sleeper on her own. I can’t work out what’s gone wrong 🙈