I never thought I would care this much about sleep!

Ok so sleep or rather the fight to get him to have it, is driving me to my wits end. My baby boy is 7m and a pretty good sleeper during the night (8/9 hours, one feed then another few hours). However during the day it’s a battle for his naps and I don’t know what to do. To get him to nap I feed him to sleep and then transfer him to the cot (I’m sure that’s not ideal but I’ve tried any other method and this seems to be what works for him). He is typically on a good schedule of 3 naps a day getting naturally tired before each of the times (9am, 12:30, 3pm = about 3 hours average total ) But now each nap is getting shorter and despite being visibly exhausted he refuses to go to sleep. (Asleep in my arms then waking as I put him into the crib). Using this afternoon as an example, he refused to do his third nap of the day so it’ll mean 5 hours between his last nap and bedtime. ..::I don’t know what to do. Should I try and change the structure? For him, a routine really works usually
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Can you extend the naps by making them contact or in the buggy or car?

@Gemma if we contact it is his longest one for sure! The buggy could either be 30min or 1.5 hours… there doesn’t seem to be a rhyme nor reason as to which one we will end up with. I’m just trying to not keep contact naps as a practice

Around this age it was helpful for us to switch to 2 naps a day and stretch out wake windows once he was refusing his 3rd nap. We did 2.5 hrs in the morning, then 3 hrs, then tried for 3.5-4 hrs before bed. We ended up moving his bedtime pretty early (6-6:30) until he was consistently doing 2 naps a day

@Kennedy did it affect how long he slept in the night? On the occasion he hasn’t had 3 naps due to whatever reason, he still sleeps the same hours at night so doesn’t make up the hours he seems to need

Honestly there’s absolutely nothing wrong with feeding to sleep or contact naps - especially if that’s the only way he’ll go down :) You could try slightly increasing the wake windows to see if that helps to build some more sleep pressure x

For us it ended up helping his sleep at night and didn’t change the hours too much. Even on nights when he went to bed early he still woke up around 7 which is normal for him. I think we were trying to have him sleep too much throughout the day and he didn’t have enough sleep pressure to feel really tired for bedtime

We found switching to 2naps around this age helped! Try extending wake windows slightly and dropping a nap and see what happens :) we had about 2 weeks of 2/3 naps and some early wakes but then it settled and naps were easy again! Xxx

sounds like a sleep regression... my son went through the same when he was 7 months, and it was rough cause its also the age they transition from 3 naps a day, to 2 naps a day.. it may not feel like this, during the moment... but it'll eventually pass. I also dealt with sleep regression of refusing to nap, again, last month, at 8 months old, that was the recent sleep regression.. My son's 9 months and 1 week old now, and I've been dealing with on and off sleep regression since he was 2.5 weeks old...

@Wynona doesn’t it feel like every week is a sleep regression 🤦🏼‍♀️ I wish they would understand that sleep helps everyone involved 😂

Some weeks are better than others 😂🤣 why with family and friends I mention, "it either got back to normal or i just got used it. Idk at this point 🙃 jk 😂😂"

Sounds a lot like my daughter who is also 7m. Since he’s a good sleeper at night, I wouldn’t stress the daytime naps. Because it very well may end up affecting his nighttime sleep😳 Low sleep needs babies really do exist and they’re all over Reddit🙃 🫶🏼

Breastfeeding to sleep IS the biologically normal way for an infant to fall asleep. I personally have never followed a schedule with any of my 3 children. I follow their cues for eating and sleeping. Naps change so much in the first 12-15. months. You could try side laying nursing him in a bed or a mattress in the floor & then ninja rolling away once he's asleep.

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