What is everyone’s clear blue dating test saying?

Mine is currently saying 2-3 my period app is saying I am 5 weeks
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Mine is the same - I’m not going to test again until later in the week x

I'm 5w 3d (ish) and mines 2-3. Going to wait until end of thw week to test again x

Mine said 1-2 and I’m 4 weeks

Mine says 2-3 and I’m 5w 2d x

Mine said 2-3, I’m 4+3

Mine was the same I sat and tried to work it out for ages. So the app is taking into account the 2 weeks between the first day of your last period and conception so it will pretty much always be 2 weeks ahead of the test. I had 2-3 and my app said 5 wks and 4 days. I hit 6 weeks today so I’m curious to see if the test would change

Mine changes to 2-3 today and I’m now 4 weeks 3 days x

I got 3+ yesterday (5w 3d going by lmp) x

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