What to feed when away from home?

Hi all! I’m going to be away with baby for 2 nights, 3 days staying in a hotel. When we’ve been away previously, baby has had puree foods but now she refuses to eat unless it’s finger food haha. What do i do about breakfast and dinner?! Limited options in regards to being able to cook since we will be in a hotel room mostly so I’ve no idea what to do!!! Please help!
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Is breakfast included in your hotel? If so.. Just feed her some bits off your plate or if they do fruit & yogurt on the side she could have that? Again for lunches.. we just used to grab a meal deal or picky bits from a local shop for lunch.. take plenty of the snacks you know she likes from home.. for her to pick on.. and for dinner again, just give her a few bits off your plate … we’ve just been away for 3 nights and ate out every night at chain restaurants and most of them were doing ‘kids eat for £1’ or free in some cases so I just ordered a meal for mine off there

@Jemima do you have any suggestions on dinners i could get out that babe could have? x

It's actually easier when they eat solid foods, as you can just give baby bits off your plate! If we were to stay in a hotel I'd make sure breakfast was included, so I could then give her bits of toast, hash brown, egg, beans etc. As for lunch, again just order something that baby can have bits of, like pasta, toasties etc, same for dinner

@Rebecca thank you! appreciate your response

Most hotels will have a mini fridge in the room so on the road you could have a cooler with some foods that you know your little one will eat and you could meal prep some meals and bring some favorites snacks to take along with you two the hotel that's what I do when we're going on a fun trip is I will put meals and snacks in the diaper bag I will also plan on spending a little more money so when we're at the fun event or whatever we are if I want to get some food that I wouldn't normally eat but we can eat when we're out and about I will have that budget planned other than planning and male prepping the only other suggestion I have is not the healthiest but works if they are hungry and you need to feed them you could stop off at a fast food place and get chicken nuggets for some kind of finger food Just depends what's easier for you and what you're comfortable was doing

@Ki babies can eat anything as long as it's not too hard or a bad size for choking Like Jemima said I would just give her stuff off my plate

@Ki if on solids then anything! Fish fingers , mash & beans/peas are good.. you can take the crumb off the fish fingers if they are young and mash it into the potato.. tomato pasta.. you can cut it up and they can eat it. But seriously, they can have anything as long as it’s not super hard and it’s soft / small enough x

Hotel breakfast is easy, usually you have cut fruit and Greek yoghurt which is perfect. Eggs, toast also perfect. Oats, porridge etc. breakfast are the easiest I find, the other two meals are harder but usually I find a meal option for myself that has a few BLW friendly bits.

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