Married 5 years, been together 9. I enjoy it more than before as we do it less often. We’re the same as Olga, we have always love car rides but for us we love going to different areas to look at houses and finding a local cafe. We still do it sometimes with our daughter and try to find a park for her near there so there’s something for her. Physical touch wise, we try to spend one evening a week cuddled on the sofa with no distractions. We cuddle in bed each night but we don’t hold hands as often as we did. One of us is usually chasing after a toddler though so it’s harder. My love language though is physical touch so for me that’s an important part of our relationship whereas I don’t care about acts of service and things
@Isobel same about houses! That’s the way our rides go after we had our son. We are interested in real estate so we are on real sites sites a lot and if we see a nice house on the market we either schedule a showing and go see the house altogether or just have a ride together with our son to drive by and see what area it is/neighbourhood.
We are married for almost 15 years and we always liked car rides. Before we had our son, we would just jump in the car and drive somewhere, like 40 min-1.5 rides. To the ocean/mountains or just any ride. We’d get us coffee from our fave coffee shop and go. After we had our son, we enjoy movie nights together after our son goes to bed.