Suddenly not eating

Is anyone else's LO just not eating? My daughter has always been a great eater and try different foods and has a very varied diet. Over the past couple of weeks it feels like she's surviving a whole day on a bite of a banana and a yogurt.. I dont know what to do. She point blank refuses her meals, even when I know it's something she loves and just cries amd throws her food around.. shes been doing this at home and at nursery. I cook everything from scratch too so i'm feeling deflated. please tell me this is a phase? Do i just keep offering as normal as i don't want to give snacks instead as I can imagine that's how you create a fussy eater. I've also cut her snacks down alot in the day to ensure she is hungry but it's not making any difference. Advice please on how to get through this and whether there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
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So my daughter does this every few weeks! She either eats absolutely everything or nothing and it’s the same here. I make everything from scratch and it’s really hard if she eats nothing. I try to just reassure myself it’s a phase and still offer the food. I do give her more milk yogurt toast etc during these times to stop night waking!

Is she teething? My son started going off food completely when teething!

@Lucy glad I'm not the only one. I just can't work out what it could be. I'm giving her all her favourites and still no luck. She ate 4 sweetcorn tonight for dinner..

@Dani I honestly don't know. Maybe.. i can't work it out haha

@Jess does she seem unwell/teething - we had last week 5 days not one bite of food and she had tonsillitis so she had so much milk and then I felt guilty for giving her too much milk 😂

Same here, not eating or spitting out food. I think she is teething again

Same here Don’t want to seat in her chair too

My little boy has been the same, won’t eat anything he has to chew. Turns out he has two molars coming through, if they let you try running your finger over their gums.

@Lucy she's got a cough/cold but that's only come on the last couple days. It's been going on for about 3 weeks now. It might be teething I'm not sure. I can't see any teeth coming but when she's been teething before she's never stopped eating like this. I'm just hoping it passes. I think it's her more being fussy as she'll happily eat snacks

@Chelsea I did think maybe. She has all her molars her front 4 top and bottom. Wondering if it's a canine. I just don't really know as she'll happily eat snacks and even last night, refused her mac and cheese (that i made from scratch and was soft) but wanted to eat her dad's chicken. But if I put that on her plate, she would refuse it. Just feel like I'm at a loss with it

If she's unwell she may not want to eat like we don't overly want to eat when ill but if she's well then just keep offering as normal 3 meals a day and about 2 snacks if needed she will eat what she needs but maybe try seeing if it's cause she wants to be fed or feed herself as I find that helps with my daughter as sometimes she wants to feed herself and other times she wants to be fed but children's appetite does just fluctuate depending on how active they've been that day

@Selina yeah as she's got a cold at the moment I'm not pushing it but I would like her to be eating somewhat better soon. I've done BLW so she's always been in control of her food. I've tried both though to see and it's not making much difference.. I get that she won't like everything, no one does but i' just confused that it seems to be every meal at the moment except breakfast. All she eats at the minute is berries, yogurt, cheese and crackers.. I know it's more than some but I just don't want her to be fussy and refuse all food and not get enough from all food groups.. I'm just an overthinker which doesn't help x

My boy is like this when he's teething. I do give him more snacks at that time (I try to keep them as healthy as possible), I also give him kefir to drink, stuff like that. Usually when teething pains are gone he's back to eating normally..

@Dina thank you. I'll keep this is mind! Thank you for your advice x

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