Gestational diabetes

Just a heads up for other people diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I haven’t been diagnosed with GD as such but as my routine blood test at doctors came back point 1 over the ideal range the diabetes team at hospital have asked me to test my bloods etc and to be treated as though I do have it. I’ve never been more infuriated especially as I declined a second GTT test as baby growing slightly big but have been watching what I’ve been eating by myself and have had no symptoms of it at all. Because I declined the diabetic team went trawling through my notes trying to find something to diagnose me with it … I presume a box ticking exercise for me growing a slightly quicker than they’d like and them wanting to put it down to something. My readings have all been perfectly within range and if not on few occaisions now I’ve actually had low readings because I’ve been so damn scared to eat things just incase ! I’ve been scare mongered so much it’s made me a nervous wreck … holding back tears when preparing food and even going shopping for the fear of it all ! Last couple days I’ve strangely had 1 or 2 high readings. Followed all steps to a tea and put my foot down straight away and said to myself it must be wrong … Tested again and lo and behold the monitor isn’t accurate. After speaking to a friend who works for the NHS on a diabetic team has actually confirmed these monitors aren’t half as accurate as what they’re made out to be ! Very eye opening to day the least.
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My husband is T1D and those finger prick monitors are a nightmare! He can get readings differing by 2-3mmol within 5 mins and reading completely different to his Libre CGM

@Zoe thank you for this ! I was only 1 point over on the blood sugar test so technically haven’t properly been diagnosed with anything so to be having all these issues and all this stress and upset is so annoying. Going to have a scan on Wednesday and see consultant and I’m going to be raising that I’m not happy one bit ! Thank you x x

Hey I understand that kind of news is stressful as is I didn’t have gd with my last pregnancy but I do this time around I tend to eat fairly healthy in general and limits on sugars🙄 really puts stress on me and portion control of food in general and that added a lot of stress for me more so because I thought it was my fault lol. But they put me on to do the finger prick testing which I have been doing and everything has been completely fine but also it started to spike and to then be told like what my body tolerates currently is about to change again my baby is still growing fine and I have around 5 weeks left but please if your baby is growing fine don’t stress about it and I know some women just refused to do the daily testing all together also turned out fine (obviously not what I’m suggesting to do lol) Also if your readings are fine show them and be like my readings are fine growth is fine tell them to take you off of the gd test stuff my friend did it that and dey complied

Also sometimes these readings are spiked by your blood pressure too!! Because your cortisol/sugar levels are linked to your blood pressure so some days there is just nothing u can do I’m doing it personally because I have that history in my family of one or two people having high blood pressure

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