Honestly, I tried loads of different ones with my first child, and don’t get me wrong there’s lots of great ones, but in hindsight I really don’t think you need anything special or expensive. At nursery they use whatever they can get cheap/in bulk, and mine got on perfectly fine with a load of cheap plastic ones from IKEA, so much so that this time around with the Jan baby I haven’t given it a second thought and he just cracks straight on with the same ikea ones my 3.5yo uses. In fact, sometimes easier than the other specific baby ones we have where the spoons are often more shallow, they can be heavier, and the fork doesn’t really have good prongs for picking stuff up.
I just use our teaspoons and hes eating well with it.
I use the doddl cutlery and find it really useful with my daughter - slightly pricey but it comes with a fork, spoon and knife in a case so we can take it out and about. Would 100% recommend x