Registry recommendations

First time mom here due in a few months! Im looking for suggestions on any favorite/must have baby products or even favorite brands to add to my registry. Both for baby and for my postpartum care as wellll 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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For 👶🏼💕 I have loved my hatch sound machine, and nightlight! You can have an app on your phone and it has a schedule that you can have four different sounds in different lights. And that has been a huge help getting my baby on a bedtime routine! I also really have used my portable sound machine by hatch! It has been a lifesaver for when we have visited other relatives house and they didn’t have a sound machine for her to sleep too when shes taking a nap or for overnight stays! We go through so many burp cloths and bibs now with her starting to drool and spit up(I actually just did an Amazon order for more burp cloths 😂😅)Also we go through so many bottles a day and I registered for different size flow nipples!

baby blankets, muslin burp cloths (a lot of them), diapers and wipes, swaddles (if you plan to use them), sound machine, haaka milk collector, peri bottle (for postpartum), baby wrap carrier. the brand frida mom has tons of great stuff for postpartum and baby!

Personally went through a lot of swaddles, the ones we loved the most were the zip ones so diaper changes at night were super easy. She lived in footed Jammies for like the first couple of months(she was a fall/winter baby) I like tubby todd overall ointment but not a fan of their diaper cream. Baby bjorn bouncer she’s been in since she was 8lbs, it has 3 different settings of how reclined you want it and when baby is a toddler the cover can be turned around into a toddler seat. Upseat she’s been using since 4 months and started sitting on her own super fast. Hop skip baby activity bouncer thingy she’s been using since 5 months, we put pillows under her feet so not too much weight on her legs and butt. She’ll be 7 months this week and she rather stand or try to walk than crawl. Baby Frida medicine pacifier is a blessing because she kept spitting the meds up lol. I got a hospital grade nose cleaner because the Frida one wasn’t powerful enough when she was sick and was stuffed.

I have more but it wouldn’t let me type lol angel bath and the little elephant shower is amazing imo

For 👩‍🍼: I had and still enjoy my bed bedside rolly carts for both up and downstairs, also a bamboo robe has been so comfty and feels nice and not too hot (I’m hot natured) along with a few postpartum pjs/nightgowns with buttons in the front to help with the skin to skin contact and if you are wanting to breast-feed, that’s also really good to have!! Nursing bras with padding and without have been really good to have along with nursing pads!! an upside down peri bottle with the angle was amazing to have postpartum!! I found it was really nice to have registered for little mini bottles of hand sanitizer to have in your diaper bag or your car, random places in your house. A portable chargeable mini fan also was great to have postpartum for both me and baby girl.

@Kiran lol same! Also, don’t wanna overload with recommendations 😂😅 I love your recommendations!! 😊🫶🏻

For baby: Bedside sleeper/bassinet, bottle steriliser, room & bath thermometer, change table (I have a change table that also pulls out with a bathtub in it - love it!), foam change mat (just buy waterproof change mat covers, this is also so handy), electric rocking chair, sudocream, scented nappy bags and/or a twist nappy bin (the Tommy Tippee one is awesome), a baby bag with lots of compartments/room (I bought the baby bed bag online from Baby Bed Pal, super handy). Lots of singlet suits, sleep suits, burping cloths, bibs, swaddles, blankets. I’d also look into the Owlet smart sock. As for brands, I highly recommend the Maxi Cosi Lila CP2 pram and the Infasecure Luxi II Caprice car seat (0-8years). For yourself: lots and lots of nursing pads as you’ll most likely be leaking like crazy! Nipple balm, nipple shields, maternity bras, stock up on maternity pads from now and I’d definitely look into purchasing a breast pump! Also a belly band for during pregnancy as well as post partum.

i thought of some more things lol baby towels, bassinet or crib sheets, changing pads for being out and about, diaper bag, reusable breast pads, diaper cream, baby bath seat, baby wash/lotion, pacifiers if you plan to use them (tommee tipee was our fav), mirror for car seat

OMG, yes! Register for lots of hooded towels and washcloths!! we go through those more than you think!!

Muslim burp cloths, puppy pads for under her if u change on the couch of in bed or to put under her sheets (my baby pees and poops on me so these are a life saver, gripe water, that cart for by ur bed, a diaper caddy, different types of binkys/ bottles bc they won’t like some, bottle warmer and sterilizer, bouncer, pads for your bra if BF, free and clear detergent not dreft, the little scrub things to wash hair (prevents cradle cap), the tub w the holes in it, muslin towels and wash cloths and blankets. Velcro swaddles were useless to me. Same w sleep sacks


I've jumped on to second a few people's recommendations. Peri bottle was a life saver, muslins, my 1.5 year old still uses them as a comforter and it's crazy how quickly you go through them, puppy pads for changes and also if your little one gets nappy rash and needs to have some nappy free time. I wouldn't recommend any type of bottle as that will depend on what your little one prefers, maybe apply for some free baby boxes (boots etc) as they will sometimes give you a free one. And finally as many wet wipes as humanly possible, in my opinion the "super sensitive ones" fall apart and actually gave my little one nappy rash although in the first few months I found the best thing was just cotton and water. Sadly metanium isn't available anymore but sudocreme is great for many many things. Finally saline spray and "snot sucker" for when the onslaught of colds happen.

I had gotten a bunch of the Medela hydrogel nipple pads from the hospital and used them RELIGIOUSLY. They’re probably more brands who have them those were just the ones I got and they helped me so so much when I started breastfeeding.

Sleep sack/swaddle combos and a tripod for your phone.

Ty ty so much all of youuu! Actively copying all recs onto the list in my notepad🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

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For baby I recommend a carrier, it literally saved me from going insane. With it you can get up and get stuff done while baby sleeps on you. At first I used the Boba baby wrap and then now that she’s almost five months I’m using one more structured. Then I recommend a diaper pail in the bedroom (or more then one around the house) because it’ll be nice for you not to go to the trash can outside the room every time. For you I’d say make sure to have a big water bottle because you’ll be drinking a lot if you’ll be breastfeeding. Make sure to have plants of shirts that open in the front to you can nurse baby easily.

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